Our serving program instructs young Catholic men and women to serve at the altar during Sunday mass, weddings, and funerals. This is a ministry of service offered to and for God. We try as best we can to help all servers come to the knowledge that this is a privileged ministry in which they are participating and therefore, should be done with much reverence. We, as community, are grateful for their service. The servers are directed by the associate pastor and are trained on a yearly basis. Any Catholic child from fiourth grade to high school is invited to participate in this ministry.
For more information contact Fr. Jack Wright or Laura Jimenez
This committee makes arrangements for the decorations in the Narthex and Sanctuary during different seasons of the church year. Archdiocesan guidelines are used to choose (or design) banners, flowers, greenery, altar cloths, book covers, and candles and the use of statuary. Also helps wedding parties with decorating guidelines for weddings. Volunteers can help either year-round or for just a short time.
For more information contact Janice Price.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay men, women and teens who have been confirmed and are in full communion with the Catholic Church who assist with the distribution of communion at Mass. Ministers are appointed by the priest and commissioned by the Archdiocese for three-year terms. Some ministers are also trained to take Eucharist to members of the parish who because of age or illness cannot attend Mass. Training for new ministers is offered in the spring and fall. Ongoing training and spiritual enrichment opportunities are provided.
For more information contact
Kathy Cohenour for English or
Veronica Lopez for Spanish.
The ministry of Lector is to proclaim God's living word at Masses and liturgical gatherings where scripture readings are included. Through the Lector, God continues to feed his people at the table of the Word. The Lector is expected to be knowledgeable of the scripture, willing and able to devote the time needed to prepare for each reading. Lectors are appointed. Those interested in this ministry are evaluated on the basis of their talents.
For more information contact
Greg Daniels for English or
Norma Muniz for Spanish
The Mass Coordinator serves as a liaison for the presiding priest. The coordinator must complete a duty checklist to ensure that there are ample servers, lectors, ushers and Eucharistic Ministers in place prior to the start of the Liturgy. The Mass Coordinator has a commitment to a non-visible role in the Liturgy.
For more information contact
Mary Fencheck for English or
Guillermos Barranco for Spanish.
At Saint Monica Parish, we welcome any parishoners who are interested in sharing their time and talents with our gathered assembly. Whether you are able to participate weekly or monthly, the music ministry in our parish will greatly benefit from your participation. There are so many ways to be involved in music at Mass. Some of them require extra preparation time each week. These include singing in one of our choirs, serving as a cantor, singing for a special event, providing musical accompaniment, or playing an instrument.
If you would like to join any of the groups, please DON’T BE SHY. Fill out THIS FORM and we will get in touch with you right away.
Music is for all and by all at Saint Monica; whether you raise your voice and heart from the pew or join one of our ensembles, your participation in the music of our parish is a blessing. Thank you for your enthusiasm each week!
Contact Music Directors Trae & Kelsey Blanco for more information
Being a cantor is one of the more visible roles in the music ministry. It requires both a strong, good voice and the ability to read music. The cantor’s role is to lead the worshiping assembly during the liturgy and to proclaim the Word in music, especially through the Psalms.
Adult Choir
We are eager and ready to take things up a notch in the coming year with you all, and we encourage you to speak with friends and fellow parishioners to offer a personal invitation to be a part of the Saint Monica Choir.
Contemporary Youth Praise Group Ages 13-18
We welcome all singers an instrumentalists to join this group. We minister to masses twice a month during the school year, and utilize music from contemporary composers featured in the Choose Christ Missal.
The Sonrise Group
The Sonrise group is a small contemporary group that ministers to the 10:30am mass once each month.
Canto Nuevo & La Alegría en el Espíritu: St. Monica Music in Spanish
Los dos grupos de música sirven en la Misa de domingo a las 12:30 pm. Canto Nuevo también sirve en la Misa de 3:00 pm los domingos.
Instrumentalists are encouraged to assist at mass as well. If you play an instrument (piano, guitar, trumpet, flute, etc) we'd love to get you connected with a mass to serve.
Wedding Music
If you are planning a wedding at St. Monica, please contact the Parish Office for assistance and utlize THIS resource for planning.
Obtain and prepare supplies for Mass, including laundering the linens used at each Mass.
For more information contact Kim Isakson
Be the face of St. Monica as you welcome people to Mass, help them find seats, take up the collection, release people for Communion, and distribute bulletins.
For more information contact
Doretah Khamisi for English or
Juan Negrete for Spanish.
Help us serve the entire congregation each week at mass through service in audio and visual ministry by managing and running church sound system, projection screens, and livestream.
For more information contact Trae Blanco