Catholic Education

  • Apóstoles de la Palabra

    ¿Tiene dudas acerca de su fe Católica o simplemente quiere fortalecerla? Tal vez se pregunte: ¿cómo leo la Biblia? ¿por qué bautizamos los niños pequeños? ¿por qué tenemos imágenes?  Apóstoles de la Palabra lo invita a un curso Bíblico todos los lunes a las 7:00pm en el Salón San Agustín donde juntos despejaremos las dudas y cultivaremos una relación más estrecha con Dios a través de Su palabra.

    For more information contact Leonel Morales

  • Baptismal Preparation | Preparación Bautismal

    Help families prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism of their infants and young children. 

    Those who seek a baptism of their infant or young child must attend a 90-minute baptismal preparation class and be a registered member of St. Monica Church. 

    Baptismal Preparation Classes

    3rd Wednesday of Month at 7:00p - English 

    4th Tuesday of Month at 7:00p- Spanish

    Please call the parish office at (317) 253-2193 to register for baptism preparation class and request a date for your child’s baptism.

  • Bible Study | Estudio Bíblico

    Be a part of the team that plans and leads Bible studies, or sign up to increase your understanding of the Bible. Apóstoles de la Palabra in Spanish. Learn to defend your Catholic faith through Bible study. 

    For more information contact Fr. Jack

  • Food for Thought | Comida para el Pensamiento

    Food For Thought has returned on a new night. The program is being held in St. Augustine Room – now the first Wednesday of each month starting at 6:00 pm with a light meal and fellowship. The program will begin around 6:45 pm and conclude with a final prayer no later than 8:00 pm. Be ready to feast your mind and stomachs with a shared meal, fellowship, and adult faith formation. There will be a translator available for Spanish speakers.

    Reservations are not required, but in order to plan food quantities please let Dcn. Bob know if you plan on attending. 


  • OCIA Team | Equipo de OCIA

    Join the team that helps prepare adults to explore and learn about our Catholic faith in preparation for becoming Catholic. 

    For more information contact Tim Bush

  • Sunday School Volunteer | Voluntarios para la Doctrina

    Our Religious Education Sunday School program can always use extra help in the classrooms, whether asa catechist or as a helper. Sunday School begins in September and ends in May each year. If you are willing/able to share your time and talent in our Sunday School program.

    For more information contact Carley Haselhorst

    Volunteer Form


    Share your faith by being trained as a catechist or assistant to welcome and share your faith with a group of youth or adults who have developmental disabilities in a small community of faith. 

    For more information contact Carley Haselhorst

  • St. Monica Catholic School | Escuela Católica Sta. Mónica


    St. Monica Catholic School Ministry is a community of families united in values who celebrate differences, form lifelong learners in an academically robust environment, and  engage all students and families to grow as disciples of Christ.


    It is the vision of St. Monica Catholic School to support the spiritual, social-emotional, and cultural needs to develop all students in academics, self-discipline, spiritual growth, and service in order to represent visible signs of God's love.

    For more information contact Eric Schommer

    or visit the School Website

    St Monica Catholic School

  • Vacation Bible School | Escuelita de la Biblia en Vacaciones

    Help plan and coordinate a week of activities based on Bible stories for children. VBS usually takes place in the summer. 

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