Help to connect undocumented members of our community with Catholics who will provide emotional and spiritual support and accompaniment when these families interact with a local judicial system, the Department of Homeland Security, or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), so no one stands alone.
For more information contact Anne Corcoran
You can help feed the hungry in our own neighborhood—just one canned item, one box of pasta, or one jar of peanut butter can be a huge help to a family in need! St. Monica has partnered with the Crooked Creek Food Pantry, located inside of the Eskenazi Health Center Pecar to provide food for those in need on the nowthwest side of Indianapolis. Please bring whatever you can and place it in the large white bin located in the narthex. You can also drop off food or monetary donations during the week in the Parish Office. Items that are most helpful are pastas; rices; canned goods, especially canned meats (tuna, chicken, beef); soups; peanut butter; jelly; condiments; boxes of cereals; oatmeal; etc. Volunteers are always welcome, as well! Please bring only non–perishable food items only. No clothing, medicines/medical supplies, baby items or hygiene items, please! Clothing donations can be dropped into the large blue St. Vincent de Paul donation bin located in the east parking lot. Thank you for your consideration and your generosity!
For more information contact Dave Drzewiecki
Welcome Catholics back who have been away from the Church and help them get connected with the parish.
For more information contact Dcn. Bob Beyke
Provide support to mothers in crisis by offering support, rides to appointments, baby items, and resources for medical and prenatal care.
For more information contact Caroline Gesami
Singles, couples, families, green thumbs, and brown thumbs alike are invited to help with the Giving Garden. We grow vegetables, flowers, and now fruit for our community.
Activities will vary as the season progresses. These include planting, watering, weeding, developing plant support structures, and harvesting. No prior experience is necessary.
We will supply tools and have some gloves in varying sizes including children's sizes. However, we encourage individuals to bring their own gloves and hand tools if you have them.
If the weather is bad, our scheduled workdays may be cancelled or rescheduled.
For more information contact Melanie Kuester
For more information contact Steve Gillman
Kairos is a Christian, ecumenical, prison ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ's love and forgiveness to incarcerated individuals atthe Plainfield Men's Correctional Facility and the Rockville Women's Correctional Facility. The men volunteers are in Plainfield on weekends in April and October and the women volunteers are in Rockville in May and November. Kairos volunteers in teams of 30 to 40 go into the prisons to pray, share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, and share meals and fellowship with the incarcerated on a one-on-one basis over the course of our days. Then one Saturday a month the volunteers return to the prison to reunion with the offenders to encourage and support their Christian walk. In addition to volunteers being “inside the walls” team members, Kairos Prison Ministry offers the community an opportunity to volunteer to participate in the Weekend from “outside the walls”. The St Monica Community can participate by signing up; to provide prayer support, participating in the CookieBake – making 400 dozen cookies for the Weekends, making posters and place mats, helping at an “outside the walls” kitchen to cook one or more of the meals served to the Weekend participants, or by providing financial support for the Weekends. Since the Weekend is presented as a short course on Christianity much like other 4-day retreat weekends, it is suggested that “inside the walls” team members have completed either a Cursillo or Christ Renews His Parish weekend.
For more information contact Gerry Randall
Raise parish awareness about issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and stem cell research to promote life from conception to natural death by participating in the March for Life and 40 Days for Life events, among other activities.
For more information contact Steve Martin
Since 2003, St. Monica has been joined with a sister parish, St. James the Apostle (Parroquía Santiago Apostól) in Lepaterique, Honduras. St. James is located in a mountainous area approximately 30 miles outside of the capital city of Honduras, Tegucigalpa. The parish covers an area roughly half the size of Marion County, with a population of over 16,000. St. James is comprised of over 46 small communities, many of which are accessible only by foot or horseback during the dry season. The pastor may only get to some of these communities two or three times a year. St Monica’s relationship with St. James continues to grow and strengthen through prayer, annual visits between both parishes, and by medical and financial aid via a free-will collection on the third Sunday of each month.
Sister Parish Visit
Our annual summertime visit to our Sister Parish, St. James the Apostle, in Lepaterique, Honduras usually takes place in June. Our brothers and sisters in Honduras are eager to welcome us back.
If you are interested in being a part of the visiting team, please contact Kathy Cohenour for more details.
Join us in helping our neighbors in need with clothing and household items, food, and Thanksgiving and Christmas support. Our ministry offers many opportunities to volunteer, from becoming a home visitor, working at the food pantry stocking shelves or helping our neighbors shop, and preparing items to be sold at Mission 27 thrift stores, to name a few.
2024 St Vincent de Paul Distribution Center Volunteer Schedule
2024 St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Volunteer Schedule
For more information, contact Awilda Romero
Celebrate Thanksgiving by providing food or volunteering to serve the meal or eating Thanksgiving dinner at St. Monica with other parishioners, family and friends.
For more information contact Carol Kelly