Our ministry assists the priest and families in planning funeral liturgies and visitations. We attend and assist with funerals and visitations. We support families and loved ones through the grief process with monthly communication. The ministry coordinates with other liturgical ministries in preparing the liturgy for All Souls Day and prepares the banner listing the names of parishioners who have died in the past year.
The ministry hosts the annual St. Monica Memorial Service for the bereaved of our parish which is held every December.
We meet monthly on the second Saturday of the month. We welcome those who are interested in serving bereaved families or assisting with other activities the ministry offers to contact:
For more information contact
Michelle Meer for English or
Maria Pimentel Gannon for Spanish
Funeral Planning Sheet-English
The Scout Ministry have been a large part of St. Monica for over 20 years. Today, we provide our youth members (boys and girls) with opportunities to learn more life skills that would better prepare them as future leaders. By using a wide range of fun aged-based indoor and outdoor activities such as camping, aquatics and hiking, scouting will help the youth to build more self-confidence and to be more self-reliant. Our program is based upon bringing out in every scout the characteristics described in the Scout Law: “A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.”
We offer two programs for boys and girls. The first program is Cub Scouts for youths in grades K-5 and the second program is Scouts BSA for youth ages 11 up to 18.
You are welcome to visit us during one of our scout meetings or even participate in one of our outdoor activities.
To learn more about Scouts BSA please contact Paul Kovach.
The Scout Ministry have been a large part of St. Monica for over 20 years. Today, we provide our youth members (boys and girls) with opportunities to learn more life skills that would better prepare them as future leaders. By using a wide range of fun aged-based indoor and outdoor activities such as camping, aquatics and hiking, scouting will help the youth to build more self-confidence and to be more self-reliant. Our program is based upon bringing out in every scout the characteristics described in the Scout Law: “A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.”
We offer two programs for boys and girls. The first program is Cub Scouts for youths in grades K-5 and the second program is Scouts BSA for youth ages 11 up to 18.
You are welcome to visit us during one of our scout meetings or even participate in one of our outdoor activities.
To learn more about Cub Scouts please contact Mark Stratemeier
The Scout Ministry have been a part of St. Moncia for over 20 years. Today, we provide our youth members with opportunities to learn more life skills that would be better prepare them as future leaders.
Every Girl Scout has their own curiosity, dreams, and talents—so when they come together to decide which of the thousands of Girl Scout activities to try, the sky’s the limit. Whether visiting an animal shelter, camping, hosting a dance-off, or filming a movie—they’re learning to take risks, trust their gut, and team up with others for good.
Troop 564 meets on the 3 rd Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 at the PMC building.
To learn more about Girl Scouts please contact Kathleen Julius
Register your third through eighth-grade child to play a variety of team sports sponsored by the Catholic Youth Organization.
Visit the St. Monica CYO website
For more information contact D’Andre Clay.
Volunteer as a married couple to assist engaged couples with their couple-relationship inventories as they complete the marriage preparation program. Training provided.
For more information contact Julia or Doug Osburn for English or
Marcos Payamps for Spanish.
St. Monica Men's Ministry is a community of men dedicated to prayer and spiritual growth. Through fellowship, the ministry empowers men to lead with faith and integrity in their families, church, and community.
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
For more information contact Tom Spreacker
Quinceanareras are held at the 11:30a mass on Saturdays.
For more information contact the Parish Office at 317-253-2193
Put your cooking talents to use by preparing and serving mercy meals after funerals and delivering meals to people experiencing illness.
For more information contact Mary Sullivan.
Meet together with those 19-39 years old for fellowship through social, liturgical, service, and athletic activities.
For more information contact Jennifer Lopez
Youth Ministry is for highschoolers in grades 8-12 who are seeking to grow in their relationship with God and with one another.
When and Where?
Youth group meets the first four Sunday of each month from 4:30pm-5:30pm in the Parish Youth Center (PYC) which is located across from gym door #15.
Our Focus
We seek to bring high schoolers together from many different schools and across many different cultures. Youth Ministry at St. Monica is comprised of 3 main elements: fun, faith, and service. We seek to integrate all three of these areas into youth group gatherings and activities.
For more information contact Fr. Jack.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the Adult Core Team for Youth Ministry, please contact Fr. Jack.