Parents are the first and most important catechists in a child's faith formation. The single best thing you can do for your child is to attend Mass together each week. The St. Monica Religious Education Program strives to catechize our children through sharing the basic elements of the Catholic faith and preparing children for the reception of the Sacraments. This is done in a classroom setting using a variety of teaching techniques. A student that is catechized in St. Monica’s Religious Education Program throughout their elementary school years should finish 8th grade knowledgeable about Catholic traditions and the history of the Catholic Church; key stories of Scripture; Catholic morality; prayer; and the Sacramental life of the Catholic Church.
Sunday School classes are offered each Sunday from September thru May. To enroll your child or serve as a catechist, contact the Religious Education office at (317) 253-2193.
SPRED/Development Disabilities
(Ages 6 & up)
Sundays, 9 - 10:15 a.m.
SPRED is a religious education program specifically designed to meet the spiritual needs of persons with disabilities. Through SPRED, our special friends get to know God and grow in faith along with others within our community. SPRED welcomes persons with developmental disabilities who are 6 years old to adult. On Sunday morning 9:00-10:15 am, children who are developmentally disabled are invited to participate in this program. The children, if requested, are prepared for their First Communion. Each child has a friend (catechist).
Baptismal Preparation
3rd Wednesday of Month at 7:00p. m. - English
4th Tuesday of Month at 7:00 p.m. - Spanish
Those who seek a baptism of their infant or young child must attend a 90-minute baptismal preparation class and be a registered member of St. Monica Church. Please call the parish office at (317) 253-2193 to register for baptism preparation class and request a date for your child’s baptism.
Unbaptized children ages seven to seventeen are prepared for the sacrament through the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). Information about OCIA may be obtained by calling Tim Bush, Pastoral Associate, at (317) 253-2193.
First Communion Sacramental Preparation
(Grades 2 & above)
For a child to receive First Communion, he/she must complete Sacramental Preparation classes and have received the Sacrament of Penance. Instruction/preparation for children is given by Catechists at Gr. 2 or above either during Sunday School or during religion class at St. Monica School. Students must have one complete year of Religious Education before they can be enrolled in a sacramental preparation class. First Communion Liturgy is typically celebrated on the last weekend of April.
(Grades 2 & above)
For a child to receive Reconciliation, they must complete Sacramental Preparation. Instruction/preparation for children is given by Catechists at the Gr. 2 level or above either during Sunday School or during religion class at St. Monica School. The reception of the first Reconciliation sacrament is celebrated in the fall.
Confirmation Preparation
(Grade 7)
The Sacrament of Confirmation is traditionally the third and final Sacrament of Initiation. The Candidate (i.e. to student preparing for Confirmation) has already received the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and First Communion. For a candidate to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, they must complete Sacramental Preparation classes given by Catechists in the Seventh Grade during Sunday School or religion class at St. Monica School. Students must have one complete year of Religious Education before they can be enrolled in a sacramental preparation class.